Irak Angeblich wichtiges Al-Qaida-Mitglied getötet

Bagdad (RPO). Irakische Sicherheitsbehörden haben nach eigenen Angaben ein ranghohes Mitglied des Terrornetzwerks Al-Qaida getötet. Der Kämpfer stamme aus Saudi-Arabien und habe den Namen Abu Ubeida getragen, hieß es.

 Iraqi Army Special Forces search a house after receiving a tip on possible presence of weapons in the Al-Taliaa village near Diwaniyah, 150 km (95 miles) south of Baghdad, on October 19, 2008. Iraq's top leaders were to meet late today to review a controversial security pact with the US that will determine American troop deployments beyond this year, a parliamentary official told AFP. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED SAWAF

Iraqi Army Special Forces search a house after receiving a tip on possible presence of weapons in the Al-Taliaa village near Diwaniyah, 150 km (95 miles) south of Baghdad, on October 19, 2008. Iraq's top leaders were to meet late today to review a controversial security pact with the US that will determine American troop deployments beyond this year, a parliamentary official told AFP. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED SAWAF

Foto: AFP, AFP

Er habe noch versucht, einen an seinem Körper angebrachten Sprengsatz zu zünden, sei aber vorher erschossen worden. Er gelte als Anführer der irakischen El Kaida. </p>

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