Aufruhr in Kabul Hunderte demonstrieren gegen Koran-Verbrennung

Kabul (AFP). Die Proteste in Afghanistan gegen die Verbrennung eines Korans in den USA haben auch am Dienstag angehalten. In der Hauptstadt Kabul demonstrierten Beobachtungen eines AFP-Fotografen zufolge mehrere hundert Menschen an der Universität.

 Effigy of the American pastor, Terry Jones is seen burning during a demonstration in Shinwar, Nangarhar province, east of Kabul, Afghanistan on Monday, April. 4, 2011. Protests erupted in Afghanistan again Monday against a Florida pastor's burning of the Quran, making four straight days of demonstrations some deadly against the destruction of Islam's holy book in a country struggling to beat back an insurgency led by Taliban religious extremists. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)

Effigy of the American pastor, Terry Jones is seen burning during a demonstration in Shinwar, Nangarhar province, east of Kabul, Afghanistan on Monday, April. 4, 2011. Protests erupted in Afghanistan again Monday against a Florida pastor's burning of the Quran, making four straight days of demonstrations some deadly against the destruction of Islam's holy book in a country struggling to beat back an insurgency led by Taliban religious extremists. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)

Foto: AP, AP

Die Menge, vor allem Studenten, riefen "Tod für Amerika" und forderten Bestrafungen für die Verantwortlichen der Aktion in Florida. Ein Sprecher des afghanischen Innenministeriums sagte der Nachrichtenagentur AFP, die Proteste seien "unter Kontrolle" und verliefen friedlich.

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